Life for Lewis Appeal

Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment

Charity Cricket game at Cirencester CC on Sunday 1st Sept 24

Sept 2024 - Charity Cricket game at Cirencester CC on Sunday 1st Sept

We had the most incredible and extremely emotional weekend at the Life for Lewis Appeal Charity Cricket Family Fun on Sunday at Cirencester CC. We are delighted to announce that the day raised an astonishing £7,500 for Lewis’ appeal.
Sept 2024 - Charity Cricket Match more details

Charity Cricket match at Cirencester CC on Sunday 1st Sept 24

Welcome To Lewis' Website

Life for Lewis Appeal

We have received incredible support and generosity from so many people over the years, but we haven't been actively fundraising for Lewis for approx 3 years now.

Unfortuntely, we are always going to need disability specific items and equipment for him on an ongoing basis, it is a proven fact that it costs 3 times as much to bring up a disabled child and adult. The costs are just relentess and Lewis is going to need help with these costs on an ongoing basis throughout his life. Coupled with the cost of living and trying to keep a roof over Lewis' and the rest of our families head for as long as possible, things are extremely challenging and very stressful financially for us on an ongoing basis and causes us a lot of worry and anxiety. This is one extra thing that we have to worry about in an already extremely challenging and demanding daily life.   

Lewis is now 21 (12th Nov 23), so if there is anyone who wishes to donate to his appeal for his 21st, then it would be extremely appreciated by our whole family.

Online donations can be made using GoFundMe..

Below are the items we are currently actively fundraising for:

  1. Re-vitalise sensory garden - We would like to fundraise to re-vitalise Lewis' wheelchair accessible sensory garden which he loves, but it is now 8yrs old and is worn and needs repairing doing up to bring it back to somewhere near it's original state.
  2. New black out blinds - We would also like to try and raise some money for some new black out blinds for Lewis' sensory room as his existing ones have broken.
  3. Wheelschair base frame - A suitable wheelchair base/frame and powerpack/attendant control (not funded on the NHS) for his new moulded wheelchair
  4. A new electric wheelchair - so we can take Lewis on walks and day trips which we currently can't do as his manual wheelchair is too difficult to push for any long distances.
  5. A holiday as a whole family - This hasn't been possible for 6yrs.
  6. Finance and Health and Welfare Joint Deputyship Annual Costs - £700 per year!.
  7. Outside Equipment Storage An outside building in the garden to store all of his disability equipment when it's not being used.
  8. Ceiling Track Hoists - 3 x New Ceiling Track hoists as these are old (14+years) and can be unreliable.
  9. Portable Hoist for when we are away from the house
  10. New iPad - We would also like to be able to get Lewis a new ipad as his old one is now broken and doesn't work. He loves to watch films and listen to music when we are out and about or when he is in his wheelchair, but he can't do that at the moment unfortunately.

Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment Life for Lewis Appeal

Best wishes and much love,
Gary, Lexi and Lewis x

For full details of these fundraising project please click here

Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment Life for Lewis Appeal - Raising money for various disability specific items and equipment

Previous Fundraising Projects successfully achieved
Please find below items which we have already raised the funds for and which are already making a huge difference to my quality of life.

  • Loft Space Conversion for medical supplies storage (Target achieved and fitted) - Approx cost = £34,000
  • Wheelchair Accessible Front Door with low threshold fixed ramp access (Target achieved and fitted) Approx cost - £1,300
  • Replacement floor mats for sensory room – (Target achieved and item supplied) - 2k
  • SAT's monitoring machine and accessories (Target achieved and item supplied) Approx cost = £900 
  • Multi-Sensory Room in my house (Target achieved and items supplied) - Approx cost = £15,000
  • Wheelchair Accessible/Sensory Garden (Target achieved and item supplied) - Approx cost = £25,000
  • New suitable manual Chunc wheelchair (Target achieved and item supplied - Approx cost = £5000
  • New suitable seat for my Mustang electric wheelchair (Target achieved and item supplied) - Approx cost = £1000
  • A suitable ipad with mounting wheelchair arm/s and sensory/cause and effect applications (Target achieved and item supplied) - Approx cost = £1100
  • Eye gaze communication system - Including look to learn and Sensory Eye FX software (Includes an all-in-one PC, screen, USB eye tracker,  and mounting trolley on wheels) (Target achieved and item supplied) - Approx cost = £4000
  • Deposit for a suitable wheelchair accessible and fully adapted Motability vehicle (Target achieved and item supplied) - Aprox cost = £12,000
  • Therapy/Companionship Dog and appropriate training (To be my companion and best friend, and to sit on my lap and also alongside me in my wheelchair and soft room (so I can feel it's warmth), this has a calming influence on me).

Lewis using the Eye-Gaze System at School

Life for Lewis Appeal

Our Special Boy.. Lewis Robert Herbert

Lewis Robert Herbert was born on the 12th November 2002 at 12:20am weighing a healthy 8.2lbs.

After keeping us waiting for a 34 hour labour and being rushed out by the consultant as he was getting distressed. Our 1st baby was here and we couldn't wait to start our family life. The next chapter for Gary & I. He was the most beautiful thing we had ever seen. We had so many dreams and hopes for our little boy. Read more.. Our Special Boy

Raising money for various disability specific items, equipment, and home adaptations/alterations which are NOT available to me through standard NHS provision and statutory services

To get involved and help fundraising for Lewis please contact us

Life for Lewis Appeal

Life for Lewis Appeal 2015-24 © All Rights Reserved.