Other supporters of the Life for Lewis Appeal.. read their comments.
I was introduced to Gary by a relative who said we’d get on due to our mutual love of Northants cricket. It was whilst watching Northants cricket games that Gary mentioned that promoting the appeal and thanking those that had done fundraising for Lewis was something Gary & Lexi wanted to do better.
Facebook posting were fine but they wanted a more formal record of everyones efforts. Gary was unaware that I did web development, so when I said I’d sort a website out for them you could see the genuine gratitude and appreciation. Initially I set-up the website for Gary & Lexi to update themselves, however neither had the time, so I just do it for them.
I don’t particularly feel my contribution is on a par with others as I am simply doing something I enjoy. However if managing the website gives Gary & Lexi more time to care for Lewis and allows them to give both Oscar & Kira a normal family life then I am incredibly proud to be involved in promoting and spreading the word about the Life for Lewis Appeal.
We are eternally grateful to each and everyone of you who have donated or helped with fundraising for the Life for Lewis Appeal, and we are delighted to introduce our charity patrons.
A few words from Gary and Lexi
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